Movie Trivia of the Day: Did you know that although he never talks about it,…

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Weed     •     March 9, 2024, 3:17 pm
Sigurd @Sigurdwyrmsbane Movie Trivia of the Day: Did you know that although he never talks about it, Seth Rogen smokes weed? We never would have guessed!
Weed     •     March 9, 2024, 3:16 pm
WeedJutsu @weed_jutsu
Weed     •     March 9, 2024, 3:16 pm
The Chronic Session🌿💨 @ChronicSession Weed so damn good I’ve got crazy #cottenmouth
CBD     •     March 9, 2024, 3:15 pm
Charlotte Stamp @CharlStamp I remember when my hubby bought me flowers and perfume as gifts. Here he is now curing my awful anxiety 🥰. Here’s to some sleep, relaxation and feeling myself again.…
CBD     •     March 9, 2024, 3:14 pm
⬜️AGUSTOFWIND⚪️一阵风⚪️ @AGUSTOFWIND1997 福州规划中的最高的一栋楼是世茂大厦位于福州市台江区的北江滨CBD高度为360米。福州世茂大厦的层数估计有将近80层。在福州土地出让时有标注超出义序机场限高的经过空军同意才能实施。根据义序机场的限高福州市区内最高限高是360米,如果义序机场能搬迁福州世茂大厦至少能建450米估计能建88层至100层!…
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