DeSantis Has A ‘Big Problem’ With Florida Marijuana Ballot Measure, Citing…

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Marijuana     •     March 11, 2024, 3:15 pm
Todd Harrison @todd_harrison DeSantis Has A ‘Big Problem’ With Florida Marijuana Ballot Measure, Citing ‘Smells’ In Other Places That Have Legalized #Florida 🇺🇸 #Cannabis…
Cannabis     •     March 11, 2024, 3:15 pm
Todd Harrison @todd_harrison DeSantis Has A ‘Big Problem’ With Florida Marijuana Ballot Measure, Citing ‘Smells’ In Other Places That Have Legalized #Florida 🇺🇸 #Cannabis…
Weed     •     March 11, 2024, 3:14 pm
Hustle Money @PunterWeed Something RUGGED 0255319F
Weed     •     March 11, 2024, 3:14 pm
Benjamin Ranyard @higgledygarden We have put a very thick layer of cardboard down over the couch grass. I'll cover this over with the weed fabric whilst I work out how to get five tons of compost and…
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