Jade after accidentally eating Dave’s forever weed brownie…

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Weed     •     February 5, 2024, 3:07 am
🌺 Wayward Vagabond 🌸 (JanJeen) @JanJeenies Jade after accidentally eating Dave’s forever weed brownie https://t.co/oOBPqZSg4K
Weed     •     February 5, 2024, 3:06 am
waverunner @yeeninout God I love smoking weed https://t.co/sJt6QuHNNm
Thc     •     February 5, 2024, 3:05 am
Clit Dempsey 🇵🇸 @thotzekage They got me in a thc infused bath. Never been this high in my life https://t.co/gJiRqzMBeT
Cannabis     •     February 5, 2024, 3:03 am
Grit Capital, Ancient God of Commerce @GritGrowthCap Cannabis is a silent epidemic wreaking havoc on the American family. A friend brought some of these over and I drank two around 8pm. My body…
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