Today, I VETOED HB 1209, which would increase the amount of THC allowed in hemp…

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Thc     •     March 23, 2023, 7:49 pm
Kristi Noem @KristiNoem Today, I VETOED HB 1209, which would increase the amount of THC allowed in hemp to 5%, classifying marijuana as hemp. South Dakotans spoke clearly this past November: they do…
Thc     •     March 23, 2023, 6:50 pm
Head Hippie.eth @VistoHLK we have our own cannabis coming out no white labeling, no delta-8 THC & terpenes that’s what we want. high quality flower that we dna benefit from as a community…
Weed     •     March 23, 2023, 6:42 pm
Save the Planet Group 🌍 ⏳ @Grimnien From the bees point of view, this is something that's certainly true; the greatest pest is pesticide. Wherein poisoned nectar can reside, in stamens upon which…
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