What are the Odds That Cannabis Replaces Alcohol as the Leading Recreational Drug of Choice?

Marijuana     •     December 14, 2022, 9:26 am
Colorado has released the world's first ever market study of legal marijuana sales, and Coloradans are smoking a lot more pot than first expected. So how do recreational and medical prices compare?…
High & Marijuana Blog | Cannabis.Net     •     December 13, 2022, 12:00 am
In addition to its health benefits, cannabis enthusiasts love enhancing their experience. Luckily, by combining some food and drinks before using your cannabis, you can consume your cannabis more…
High & Marijuana Blog | Cannabis.Net     •     December 13, 2022, 12:00 am
This is the story of a man that was initially paralyzed with multiple sclerosis (MS) and was once highly dependent on drugs for maintenance. After being paralyzed for a period, he became a medical…
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