Let’s wish trichicagobeer a big congratulations for making it to the podium again & qualifying for Team USA! 🌿🇺🇸 Here’s her words of inspiration: #repost trichicagobeer - Do you ever think back to how wildly different your life would be if you didn't take chances? When I accidentally signed up for my first half marathon I could have dropped back down to the 5k I had intended on running, but I didn't. I decided to show up for myself and see what could happen if I didn't put any limits on myself. Everyone at that starting line told me I could do it and gave me tips to help.. was the only one who thought I couldn't. I was the one holding me back. That day I decided that even if it was scary and there was a possibility for failure, I would do it anyway. No losses, only lessons. Sometimes it's still hard for me to believe I've been able to do the things I have. This weekend I qualified for Team USA for the 5th time. It was also my second time on the podium at a national championship. I am my own wildest dream. #triathlete #lifegrowsgreen #teamusa #wildestdreams #growswithus #triathlon #triathlete #podium #musclerecovery #lgg #runningmotivation #congratulations realchadprice kamyar.shah dee31
* This article was originally published here https://lifegrowsgreeninc.tumblr.com